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Voucher Refund Request

If you are in possession of an unexpired Float Orange gift voucher, please follow the conditions and instructions below to request a refund.

Please understand that ALL conditions must be met for the remaining voucher credit to be refunded. 



The request email must be received BEFORE the expiry date of the gift voucher.

The value of any unused credit on the gift card will be refunded in full upon verification of the refund application process.

Gift voucher RECIPIENTS are NOT eligible to apply for or receive refunds. Only the gift voucher PURCHASER is eligible to apply for a refund.


Refunds will be made by electronic bank transfer to the account of the PURCHASER of the gift voucher.


For your convenience, simply copy and paste the text below into an email. Customise the names as required.

The gift voucher PURCHASER is to request a refund by



Subject title: Voucher refund


I, (purchaser's name), request a refund of all remaining unused credit for the attached gift voucher. The voucher was purchased for (recipient's name).

Please transfer remaining credit to the following bank account;

Account name:


Account #:

Attach a scanned image or photo image of the unexpired and valid gift voucher to this email. Once the voucher has been verified, a full refund of remaining credit will be transferred to the purchaser's nominated bank account within 5 business days.

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